Sunday, February 24, 2008

From Ashes.

Alrighty, so I have decided to unleash a portion of my story so far. Hope you like it. Also working on doing a few Thrice musings, along with a few spiritual thoughts on particular topics. Here's the link to the word doc of my story :

Working Title(The Actuary).doc

Chew it up, spit it out. Let me know if it's dull so far. Let me know what you think so far. Let me know if it seems to be something that is worth finishing. Are you intrigued? I've written more so far, but it's really slow for me because I don't have a sense of urgency for it. And I have a 10-page paper due for a lame class I have. Blah blah.

~The mute speaks, life comes from death, new arises from ashes.

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