Monday, June 30, 2008

A Voice That Never Sings

When do I raise my voice and speak up? When will it matter? When will I know what the future holds? I hope I am able to piece together this rather soon. Within another month at the latest I would imagine. I have issues, sometimes I can hardly sleep at night, thinking about what can and could happen. Excitement, Resentment, Depression, Apathetic, these are a few of the emotions toying around in my head on any given day. However, my days are always good! Christ continues to dwell within me, everything will work out. I do not worry, I just am anxious. Maybe I should get this over and done with sooner rather than later. Yeah, thought so.

Additional tidbits: Short story 2 has been started and has a tentative finish date in place. Short story 3 and 4 are coming right around the corner, with a compilation reworking it all together. I'm thrilled and exhilarated at providing a piece of fiction that numerous people will be able to read and interpret for themselves. Whatever people get out of it, I will be happy. I have not pure intentions on what characters mean. Just some slight resemblances that I'm culled from here and there. Real life and the Fake Life. My passion burns on.

1 comment:

Samuel Wall said...

dude. your posts are coherent and great thought provokers and then they trail off into obscure, seemingly random, words and phrases that appear to have no meaning. I'm sure they mean something to you, but I can't make heads or tails of them.
OH. and you should add me over on the side. share the link love man.